Saturday, February 19, 2011

Here we go again.....

Seems like it has been forever since I have written in here...told you it would sporadic...CES is a slow moving syndrome so not much changes and therefore not much to say I guess.

Although truth is things have changed for me...I have a reherniation at L3, L4, L5 and S1....sooooooooo I am off to seem my neurosurgeon at John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore Maryland. I am rather disappointed but I knew some thing was going left leg has really been bothering me...numb, yet painful, sharp pains in my feet, and my toes...omg toe pain is horrible, muscle cramps...then if I stand to long I get a pain in my left butt cheek that goes clear down to my toes and my toes feel like they are cramp up toward my bladder control seems to come and go and I fight constipation all the time....I try to eat lots of veggies and fruits...I am sure it is the narcotics and they have upped them again...but...I cannot function without them. Some days I can't walk with them. At any rate I had xrays taken and an MRI and they both show more herniation...My GP said I need to see Dr.Nair again and I should go prepared to time I went to him for a Drs. app't I was in Baltimore for 3 weeks!!! Thank goodness for good family...I am soooooo lucky to have them....Nathan and Vickie and Mom, Vanna and Roxanne....I could not ask for better.....I love them all and am very appreciative...I need to find away to let them know it.....

So here is what is going on with my body at the present time....Sexual dysfunction is a problem to people that suffer from CES...we can lose all sensation, partial, it is different for everyone...At first I was numb in what is called the Saddle area..that is considered any area that is covered if you were sitting on a saddle..and I was numb down the inside of my legs...down to the my big toe and the one next to it...well feeling is starting to come back and I want all the feeling back. I have read other peoples story on this and it is pretty true to is like you get there but can't jump off the cliff....the big "O" just does not happen...Thank goodness there are other ways to enjoy sex and your partner...At first I could not handle penetration, it was very painful...I am getting some sensation back now but not like it was....

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